CSG (Clear Smart G-List ALL Brands)


CSG Stand for Clear Smart G-List. its a utility to Clear Smart and G-List of Toshiba, Samsung, WD, Seagate and Hitachi harddisk.

  1. It have saperate function for clear G-List and S.M.A.R.T
  2. It also have a function for clear G-List and S.M.A.R.T by 1 click.
  3. It does not require Comport connection for Seagate drives
  4. Toshiba paassword clear supported
  5. Toshiba Passport edit supported
  6. WD password clear support
  7. Hitachi password clear (added on demand)
  8. Seagate password clear (added on demand, and it need comport connection)

How to use?

  1. CSG is very easy to use.
  2. it works with PIO mode.
  3. All Windows from XP are Supported (32-bit and 64-bit)

Want to buy?

Contact us by Email waqasali766@hotmail.com or Call us +92-51-4928033

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