CSG Stand for Clear Smart G-List. its a utility to Clear Smart and G-List of Toshiba, Samsung, WD, Seagate and Hitachi harddisk.
- It have saperate function for clear G-List and S.M.A.R.T
- It also have a function for clear G-List and S.M.A.R.T by 1 click.
- It does not require Comport connection for Seagate drives
- Toshiba paassword clear supported
- Toshiba Passport edit supported
- WD password clear support
- Hitachi password clear (added on demand)
- Seagate password clear (added on demand, and it need comport connection)
How to use?
- CSG is very easy to use.
- it works with PIO mode.
- All Windows from XP are Supported (32-bit and 64-bit)
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